February 2012

Iced Mochas – Perfect Even in Freezing Weather!

The prevailing wisdom, and common sense, tends to state that you should drink cold espresso drinks when it’s hot outside and warm ones if it’s cold outside. Well, being the little rule breaker that I am, I tend to go for ice mochas whenever possible. Of course, if it’s morning and chilly outside, you won’t catch me milling around with cold iced mocha in my hand!

Lactose Intolerant? Consider a Soy Mocha

I’m personally sensitive to milk in general, lactose intolerant if you will. But, it’s not very serious as I’m able to consume dairy products occasionally, without too many issues. I couldn’t drink a mocha every day but I am able to drink one once or twice a week if I so desire. For those that love mochas but can’t handle the stomach issues that come along with the milk, consider a soy mocha!