Cut Calories While Still Enjoying Your Mocha!

Cut Calories While Still Enjoying Your Mocha!

Drinking a delicious regular or iced mocha is a lovely addition to the morning, or afternoon for that matter. Those that love their mochas on a regular basis may have concerns about calories and fat. The fact is that drinking standard full-fat mocha can pack close to 400 calories. It does contain calcium and about 13 grams of protein, so it isn’t all bad. However, for those looking to cut back on calories and want to still drink mochas, there are a few ways to do so.

Use 2% or Non-Fat Milk

This is one of the easiest ways to cut calories, and fat.Using non-fat milk, even with whipped cream, will cut it down to a bit less than 300 calories. With 2% milk, you still save about 50 calories.

No Whipped Cream

You can reduce calories around 60 to 70 calories by omitting whipped cream! I have to admit, this is a tough one for me. I’m okay with the non-fat milk, as I don’t really like milk and full-fat makes it pretty heavy, but if I’m going to get a mocha, I want the whipped cream. As I don’t get them daily, the calories are worth it for me.

Sugar-Free Syrup

If you are a fan of some of the mocha variations, such as peppermint mochas, an option is to go with one of the sugar free-syrups.  If you drink a tall peppermint mocha with sugar-free syrup and non-fat milk, it will only be 100 calories! I can’t really drink any of the sugar free products but for those that can tolerate them, this is a great option.