Coffee Review: For the Love of Pumpkin

Coffee Review: For the Love of Pumpkin

Paramount Coffee's Pumpkin Pie flavored coffee

I love coffee and I love pumpkin, so what could be better than pumpkin flavored coffee? I had grown addicted to my Seattle's Best Cinnamon coffee, so I had not gotten around to trying one of the pumpkin flavored coffees that are abundant during the holiday season. Many of them only come out around this time of year, so I had to try one before it was too late and I had to wait until next season.

I decided to try Paramount Coffee's Pumpkin Pie flavored coffee. It is available from their website,, but I was lucky enough to grab a bag at Marshall's for a great price. So, what was the verdict?

I was a bit worried when the ingredient list on this bag of coffee only listed "coffee" and natural and artificial flavorings. I like to know what type of "coffee" I am drinking, since Arabica seems to be the best tasting and is said to be the best quality coffee. After examining the label, I did finally find in small print "Arabica." That was after I purchased it, so it was a nice surprise. I have to say that it made a pretty good cup of coffee in my Aeropress. The pumpkin flavor was not overwhelming, even though I wished it were! I do not have another pumpkin coffee to compare it to, since this was my first.

I am glad I finally tried a pumpkin flavored coffee so that I could see what all the fuss is about. I love pumpkin, so I am not sure why I waited so long. This coffee was good, but not phenomenal. I was ready to buy out the rest of Marshall's supply of this coffee if it was indeed great, but I did not feel that urge after trying my first cup of it. This may be the perfect coffee for someone who likes a very subtle pumpkin flavor, but I tend to like my flavors very noticeable. Overall, it was a good coffee and I enjoyed the entire bag. Will I personally repurchase it? Probably not.