May 2021

Top Marine Discoveries of 2020

At risk of sounding like a cliche or an uninformed popular celebrity, I tend to get more excited about findings in the ocean than I do in space. I guess it's because I expect space to be vast and filled with everything we never knew about, including different types of life, so when we find something totally new here where we live, where it's even close enough to touch... it's just incredible. To be fair, I get excited by both.

Number 1 Request For The Biden Administration

The number of issues we face in the modern world are dizzying and to narrow it down to just ONE thing feels impossible. If I had to choose, I know that universal healthcare, poverty, civil rights and LGBTQ rights top my list, but I think climate change may be my number one ask because it effects everyone, even if they won't be born until this fall. You can bet I support the Green New Deal.

Dwarf Fruit Trees

So many people seem to be growing their fruits and veggies from dwarf trees lately and I'm so curious about it. As someone who's had little success with growing fruits (I struggle with an avocado seed plant and the best I've managed are my annual strawberries and tomatoes!), I really would love to grow fruit.

Celebrating Your Vaccine!

Officials are now saying that we're not going to reach herd immunity since so many people are refusing to get vaccinated. It's incredibly disheartening but not surprising given how many people spread disinformation and vote for "alternative facts" candidates, but I have to say that I'm still heartbroken. This week, my "Poison of Choice" is my second shot, and in two weeks I am going to celebrate!

The Most Obnoxious Drink Ever

As much as I love coffee, I've never fazed a barista with my order. Even when I make a couple of subs for lower sugar, my barista has always said it was nothing and they see so many more complex orders each day. It seems really complicated to me, but when I saw this order on Twitter, all I could think was that I'm glad I'm not a barista myself!

Nuclear Weapons 752 - Swedish Security Service Reports That Iran Is Trying To Steal Nuclear Technology For A Nuclear Weapons Program

     Sweden’s Security Service has published some of the findings of its 2020 intelligence report. The report mentioned that Iran, China and Russia are the biggest threats to Sweden’s security. The report also said that the Islamic Republic of Iran is trying to obtain Swedish technology for its nuclear weapons program.
