May 2021

Keeping Fleas Out Of Your Yard

Even with our flea protection, our dogs still get them each year, which means that our cats and we humans also get flea bites. Ew! A lot of people like to put flea poison in their yards, which just isn't going to work for me. I'm all about natural solutions so when I read that it could be as simple as introducing the fleas' natural predators, you can bet I was all about that solution.

Peanut Butter Cocktails

More and more peanut butter flavors seem to be available in everything from smoothies to cocktails and I'm just not sure how I feel about it. I don't mind a bit in a smoothie or shake; I love PB and as long as it's not overpowering it can be tasty. But I'm not sold on the flavor as a cocktail just yet, especially if it's by itself without the addition of chocolate or something.

Nuclear Reactors 886 - Independent Analysis Says That Nuclear Power Plants In The PJM Region of the US Are Not Economically Viable

     For twenty years, Potomac Economics (PE) has been the Independent Market Monitor for four of the regional power markets in the U.S. The U.S. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) asked PE to carry out an evaluation of the economic viability of nuclear power plants in the Pennsylvania New Jersey Maryland Interconnection LLC (PJM) wholesale electricity market.
