January 2021

Do we pet our cats wrong?

Every cat I've ever had the privilege of living with has had his or her own way of being pet that they preferred. Some like belly rubs; most have not. Some love face or head scratches while others like their backs pet. I've found that trial and error is the best way to find this information, although some cats will lead you where they want to be pet!

Inauguration Desserts

Many of us are celebrating this week's Inauguration Day, and what better way is there to celebrate than with yummy desserts? I know lots of people are planning on eating ice cream in honor of Joe Biden's favorite treat, but there are lots of other delectable delights that would be appropriate for this momentous day, too.

Plant Memes

Lately I've been seeing so many funny plant memes, and let me tell you, memes are my favorite way to cope these days. So when I see one, I'm bound to share it. I've even been doing a weekly "meme dump" every Sunday to make people laugh!

The plant memes, though... they work best in my plant groups where my fellow plant lovers can understand and enjoy them, too! My favorites feature jokes about how many house plants we all have, since we all have dozens of plant babies.

Books That Changed Your Life

It's been a while since we discussed books that changed our lives, Bibliophiles! I'd love to hear about what books have had an impact on you, especially lately, since we've discussed this before about books we read long ago.

As I try to read more books by BIPOC authors I feel like my mind is opening more and more. There are so many more perspectives and so much more adventure out there. Honestly if we're only reading white authors, especially those we read in school, we're not even geting a quarter of the picture of this planet.

Weird Animal Theories

People love to share their theories online these days--the weirder, the better. There's an incredible theory about Mufasa, the king from The Lion King whose death none of us are over yet despite him being gone for decades. It's pretty much been debunked (after all, we did see the hyenas go after multiple lions in the movie) but it's a fun, if disturbing, theory to consider.

Your Favorite Pin Source

Once upon a time, I was a pin hoarder who used them on everything from my clothing to my backpacks. Most of mine were political in nature. These days I have a teen who collects a variety of pins, from artistic statements to, yes, a few political themes. I used to get mine at the mall--Hot Topic, Spencer's and the like--but my kiddo likes to find much more specialized ones online, or to even make their own.

Inauguration Crafts

Lots of people are preparing for Inauguration, whether they'll be watching, celebrating, or teaching students about how it all works. It's an historic inauguration on multiple levels, from many firsts to our first inauguration with Covid-19 precautions. In preparation, lots of parents and teachers are prepping some fun activities and crafts.

First Female Justice Of Color To Swear In First Female VP

As excited as we all are to get rid of the current administration (I have a sticker countdown I made in my planner), to finally get some leadership in terms of Covid-19 and to just be able to sleep at night again, I think we're also all a little wary after the events at the Capitol and the FBI's cautions issued. For the sake of our country I'm really hoping for some Zoom swear-ins from remote, protected locations. How about you?
