January 2019

Healthy Snacks At Brandless

Brandless is such  an awesome source of clean, healthy foods and products at a low price. I love the idea of going brandless, even if by definition the company is pretty much a brand. This week they are advertising a line of healthy, low or no-sugar snacks for those who are on the sugarfree train, which is a lot of people these days! Almost everyone I know is trying to reduce their sugar intake, which is great for their health and mine, since it increases more demand for the products I want, too!

Trump Guy

The hype for the big Trump Guy episode is now over, and many people are shocked at what happened on the episode of Family Guy where Trump was royally roasted. I get where the shock over what happens on a channel like Fox, which is as conservative and anti-news as it gets, but I don't get the shock over the content. Honestly on any given day Trump himself has done much worse and at this point it's more shocking to me when people are surprised at anything.

Nancy Pelosi Is A Big Fan Of The Grateful Dead

Did you know that Nancy Pelosi is a huge fan of the Grateful Dead? Mickey Hart was even at the representative's swearing-in this year! Hart was present for a party during Pelosi's first swear-in as speaker of the House along with fellow Dead mates Bob Weir, Bruce Hornsby, Warren Hayes, Bill Kreutzmann, and Mike Gordon, too. Naturally they played at the D.C. event, which many other celebrities also attended. 

Rescue Box On Sale For A Dollar

Subscription boxes are so popular because they bring you a curated box of surprise goodies each month based on a theme that you like. Many of these services even give back when you use them, sending some of your payment to help people or animals in need. I just learned about a new box that has a great trial offer from Greater Good, a company I like to buy gifts at since each purchase helps fund cancer, child literacy, veteran, pet, rainforest, hunger and other projects. 

Wedding Cake in Winter

Winter isn't usually thought of as prime wedding season, but winter weddings can be some of the most beautiful celebrations of all, especially with the ice sculptures and wintry color schemes. Winter wedding cakes are especially gorgeous, with sprigs of greenery, simple white flowers and pretty berries. The bursts of summer color may not be present, but the stark contrast of vibrant berries and foliage against a clean winter layer cake can be just as striking. 

Cat Parasite May Lead to Schizophrenia

You may have heard about the mind-altering illness known as toxoplasmosis that's carried by cats. Pregnant couples are especially warned about the disease, which was typically throught to be harmless in most cases. Around 60 million people in the United States are thought to carry the parasite, but now studies are showing that those who do might have a 50% higher risk of developing schizophrenia.

80s First Five Notes

Whether you're stuck at home in subzero weather like me or just needing a fun, quick game to kill some time, I can't recommend playing First Five Notes with your favorite 80s playlist. It's such a fun and fast game that only requires access to a music playlist, whether it's on YouTube, your Spotify subscription, Pandora, etc. You could also just call the game "Name That Tune," since that's essentially what you are doing, but my local radio station does this every weekday for various ticket contests so that's what we call it.

Radioactive Waste 656 - Sharp Increase In Estimates Of DoE Nuclear Waste Cleanup Results From Increased Estimate For the Hanford Reservation

      One of the biggest problems with nuclear power in the U.S. is the disposal of the seventy thousand tons of spent nuclear fuel from the 98 operating commercial nuclear power reactors. In addition to having to deal with this huge problem, there is also the need to clean up nuclear waste created by the U.S. government in the development of nuclear weapons and nuclear research projects.

History Of NASA Work On Lunar Gateway Project - Part 2 of 2 Parts

NASA Gateway.jpg

Artist’s concept of the NASA Gateway

Part 2 of 2 Parts (Please read Part 1 first)
       In September of 2017, NASA and Roscomos, the Russian counterpart to NASA, signed a joint cooperation agreement. This agreement called for collaboration on exploration of the Moon and deep space, including the development and use of the Gateway.

History Of NASA Work On Lunar Gateway Project - Part 1 of 2 Parts

Part 1 of 2 Parts
       I have blogged before about the NASA Gateway project to build a space station that would share the orbit of the moon and serve as a platform to the support of deep space exploration. Today I will go into more details about the NASA lunar Gateway project.

Radioactive Waste 655 - Toshiba Working On Robot To Retrieve Melted Fuel At Fukushima

       Recently I posted a couple of articles about robots that are being developed to work in hostile environments such as nuclear reactors and nuclear waste facilities. Toshiba has just announced a new remote-controlled robot that it hopes can be used to investigate the three destroyed reactors at the Fukushima site of the 2011 nuclear disaster.
